Your voting style is
Early Bird
At the head of the flock
Scroll for your compatability!
Your Voting Action Plan has
4 easy steps
Come to the Campus Voting Hub at UMMA starting on Tuesday, Sept 24th (open M-F, 12 to 6).
If you just can’t wait — and have a MI driver’s license — you can also register online with the Michigan Secretary of State.
Think you might be registered?
Check here. If you’ve moved, you’ll need to update by re-registering with your current address.
Get Ready!
Your ballot has a lot on it! has links to trustworthy, unbiased sources that can help you understand candidate positions and priorities and decode proposals. Make notes — you can use them when you fill out your ballot!
Get your Ballot + Vote
You can get your ballot as soon as September 24th at the Campus Voting Hub at UMMA.
You can vote right there or take it home with you.
Return your Ballot
When you’ve completed your ballot (or as much of it as you want), seal and sign the envelope before you return it to the Official Ballot DropBox at the UMMA Voting Hub (or another A2 location).
Visit the Campus
Voting Hubs for a
free Early Bird sticker —
share the quiz with a
friend and get a custom
keychain to match!
While supplies last!
Based on your personality, you are most compatible with…
Questions? You can get your questions answered in person at the Campus Voting Hubs, online at, or by email: [email protected].